Software Engineering Notes (SEN)
Software Engineering Notes (SEN) is an informal publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT). SEN is hence appropriate for contributions in all areas of software engineering, therein included (but not limited to) requirements, specification, design and implementation methods, software maintenance, reuse and re-engineering, quality assurance, measurement and evaluation, software processes, automated tools, practical experience, and related issues. SIGSOFT seeks to address research and development issues in these areas and to provide a common ground for both, through sponsorship of conferences, symposia and workshops, and the publication of SEN.
SEN (ISSN: 0163-5948) appears quarterly, viz., four issues a year. It is edited, but not refereed. Contributions should be structured and submitted as indicated by the online available publication guidelines.
SEN online in the ACM Digital Library
The full text of the latest issue of SEN and of all its back issues is available online in the ACM Digital Library. All issues can be freely accessed by SIGSOFT members.
SEN contributions are archived in the ACM Digital Library and accessible through the main indexing platforms, including DBLP Computer and Google Scholar, among others.