Becoming a SIGSOFT Volunteer

SIGSOFT offers a variety of opportunities for getting involved in SIGSOFT events as a volunteer. If you would like to participate as a volunteer for SIGSOFT, download this page in text format, fill in the appropriate information, and email to the SIGSOFT chair.

Contact Information:

Name and Address:

Email Address:

Phone and Fax:

ACM Membership Number:


Place of Employment:

In what ways would you like to volunteer?

___ Conference Organization and Support

___ Newsletter column writing (for Software Engineering Notes columns)

___ Web Site maintenance/enhancement

___ Monthly electronic announcement mailing to members

___ Serve on SIGSOFT Award committees

___ Serve on the committee to attract new SIGSOFT members

___ SIGSOFT special projects that need some extra help

___ Run for election for SIGSOFT executive committee

___ Serve on program committees of SIGSOFT sponsored conferences

___ Serve as conference or program chair of SIGSOFT sponsored conference

___ Other, please specify: